Monte Carlo and Historical simulations of various asset allocation strategies in retirement funds.
Analysis of 23,000+ patient questions from 12 NIH sites with NLTK and Scikit-Learn.
Analyzed the addition of a Bayesian Dropout Layer to a pre-trained ResNet34 model for face recognition (FairFace).
ResNet34PyTorchKerasTransfer LearningPython
Extracted disease and location data from unstructured text data of 650 news headlines with GeoNamesCache.
GeoNamesCacheDBSCANGreat Circle DistancePython
Automatically buys or sells stock based on the short and long running averages.
Data VisualizationTime SeriesPandas-Datareader
Analyzed data from the 50 States and D.C. using linear regression to explain the variation in obesity rate.
Linear RegressionData VisualizationSPSS